• Following your dreams when no one believes in you mindset determination
    Business,  Mindset

    Following your Dreams when no one Believes in You

    From a very young age, we are “socially aware”.  We act, react & respond to those around us.  We feed off of their energy, the words they say and the way they say them, body language, actions & so much more.  Even a young toddler can recognize laughter in response to a silly thing they did, a scolding when a rule has been broken or encouragement for doing the right thing. As we grow, we begin to get self conscious about these things.  We can say that we don’t care what other people think until we’re blue in the face, but the fact remains that all of us, to some…

  • Finding your way in the swamp muck and mire of life getting determined
    Business,  Mindset

    Finding Your Way

    We start out life with such hope, curiosity and wonder, not worrying about tomorrow or the troubles it will surely bring.  As we grow older, we begin to see things differently.  Worries rise up and take the place of hope, trouble steps in and overshadows the joy and we just get so darn busy with the hustle and bustle of life that we forget to how to live (and thrive) in it!  Am I speaking to anyone here? Deciding to become the best version of yourself is going to require some hard work, and it won’t be without pain, surely.  It’s going to require self discipline, sacrifice and dieing to…

  • live humble dream big how to stay grounded while having huge goals
    Business,  Mindset

    Is it Possible to Live Humble and Dream Big?

    A conflict of interest it would seem, to live a humble life yet have big dreams/goals.  From a biblical standpoint, we are to be humble servants, emulating Christ and being very modest about our own esteem.  From a worldly standpoint, we should be proud of our accomplishments, after all we did it, right?  So how do we live this dignified and quiet life, pleasing to the Lord yet chase after our aspirations and accomplish something bigger than ourselves – especially when that big dream involves finances or being in the spotlight? ASK YOURSELF SOME VERY SERIOUS QUESTIONS ASK GOD, THE AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF YOUR SALVATION Firstly, whenever we make…